People's Mask

Branding | Logo Design | Marketing Materials

“People’s Mask” is an initiative and a product of WFTO Asia and Fair Trade Enterprises in the region that aims to help end COVID-19.

As an initiative, it is the coming together of Fair Trade Enterprise in Asia and other parts of the world in order to express social solidarity with people in the frontline against COVID-19.

Fair Trade Enterprises, together with partner organizations, have shifted their production to making personal protective equipment (PPE) following Fair Trade Standards as well as enhance health, sanitation, and hygiene practices.

It is an effort to ease the pressure on the demand for surgical masks, which are supposed to be reserved for medical professionals. People’s Mask is an initiative to demonstrate what Fair Trade is all about—creating opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers while protecting the welfare of consumers through Fair Pricing among others.

Image courtesy of WEAVE